Property Economics is at the forefront of New Zealand’s property and retail market analysis for both commercial feasibility and strategic planning evaluations.
Property Economics has a team of experienced, highly skilled economists who regularly provide expert evidence to the Environment Court and at Council Hearings.
Expert knowledge of markets throughout New Zealand with extensive experience in developing business and land use strategies from local through to regional level within New Zealand.
Assess the Economic Impact of development projects including both direct and indirect effects on the local, regional and national economy. .
Residential capacity modelling for HBA and plan change scenario testing purposes. Tried and tested model used across 12 different districts.
Economic Cost Benefit Assessments designed to address the statutory requirements under the RMA including the specific requirements for Highly Productive Land.
Provided Feasible and Realisable Residential Capacity Assessment for all seven of the Council’s within the Wellington Region. This assessment formed the basis for both the regional and individual council’s Housing and Business Capacity Assessments. These capacity assessments were also fundamental to Council’s QFM assessment for the NPS-UD required intensification plan changes with the model being used to test a variety of different planning regulations and zoning extents.
Supported the Fast Track Consent for a new Surf Park which was just recently accepted by the Ministry. This is a project with an estimated economic output for Auckland of around $630m and estimated to generate 5,100 Full Time Employment (FTE) years across the six-year development timeline.
Successfully supported two submissions to the Queenstown Proposed Plan as an Economic Expert Witness. Specifically, our clients sought an extension of zone as part of the Ladies Mile variation and the rejection of Council’s proposed Inclusionary Zoning regulations.
Working alongside Tabby Tiger Limited on a private plan change to the Waipa District Plan. Which is seeking to rezone 33ha of land near the Airport to enable the development of an Agri-Tech Hub.
Provided the economic justification and evidence in support of Plan Change 88 to the Auckland Unitary Plan which successfully sought the rezoning of around 307ha. This was a master planned development which enabled 4,500 homes (mixture of live zoning and Future Urban) as well as a new local centre and other mixed use employment zones. We were involved right from the start of the planning phase, providing economic advice as to the appropriate level of retail provision, housing typologies and demand for business land within the context of the Beachlands / Maraetai local market.
Assisted the Airport’s team as an economic witness for their runway extension hearings. Specifically, we were brought onboard to assist with Multi-Criteria Assessment (MCA) from an economic perspective.
We are currently working alongside Fonterra who are seeking to rezone additional land around Cambridge from Rural to Industrial Zone, thereby enabling expansion and hte colocation of supporting industri
Property Economics have been engaged by New Plymouth District Council (NPDC) to undertake a variety of retail, business and residential assessments over the years. This included advising and supporting Council’s retail network strategy, and providing residential capacity modelling which was fundamental to assessing the residential zonings for the PDP. We have also subsequently supported Council in their Future Development Strategy Hearings
Currently working alongside the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development as economic experts for PC94. This is a plan change which is seeking a rezoning of the Mt Albert Unitec land to a mixture of business and residential land. This is a strategic opportunity as the land is well located within Central Auckland and has good public transportation links.
Our work also extends to key infrastructure projections. We are currently providing an economic impact assessment for a proposed Hydro Dam in the Bay of Plenty.
Provided an Economic Impact Assessment for a proposed Solar Farm within Edgecumbe, Bay of Plenty. Specifically, this assessment addressed the relative economic activity generated by the proposed energy production relative to the loss of Highly Productive Land.
Retail analysis on Auckland’s Luxury Retail Market for Precinct Properties Holdings Limited.
Tim is a renowned expert in strategic property research having led over numerous projects for large corporate clients and government institutions over the past two decades.
Tim’s comprehensive knowledge of property market drivers allows Property Economics to deliver research that builds a bridge between planning ideology and commercial realities to ensure recommendations have ‘real world’ practicality and can be successfully implemented.
Senior Economist
Philip is an experienced economist who has been extensively involved in both public and private consultation for econometric modelling, residential and business market assessments, infrastructure investment as well as more general economic cost-benefit analysis. He has also lectured at key Australasian Universities and has consulted to the United Nations Advisory Group for Economic Development. Philip is also vastly experienced in presenting economic evidence in the Environment Court and Council Hearings for both private and public sector interests.
Technical Lead
Stephen’s wide range of skills from his conjoint degree have proven invaluable in his time at Property Economics. His strong passion for mathematical modelling and data analytics has enabled him to excel in leading the technical development of economic models, data analytics, visualisations and GIS analysis utilised at Property Economics.
Nelwin has been extensively involved in economic modelling both at Property Economics and as a Research Fellow for the Department of Economics at the University of Waikato. Nelwin has a passion for data analysis and econometric modelling to achieve pragmatic outcomes for clients.